July 24, 2008 - Thursday
My Meet and Greet Experience
Current mood: excited
July 23, 2008
Paso Robles Ca
Mid State Fairgrounds
I arrived in Paso Robles early in the day so that I would be able to scope out the situation and have no chance of missing out on my big opportunity. I asked the Will Call girls to confirm the meeting spot and felt that I had a sound plan. So prior to 6:00 pm, my son, Alex, and I met at the appropriate spot and introduced ourselves to the two other L-83 members who were waiting for Lauren. They were true die-hard fans and we all felt an instant camaraderie.
When the time came, we all received our programs and instructions from Lauren and proceeded to make our long walk through the crowded fairgrounds to the main grandstand where we then saw the other two winning groups. We were told that the radio station and Blackberry contest winners would have their time only after ours, since the fan club was scheduled to go first. We were then led through the grandstand where our tickets were taken and torn and we were told that after the meeting we could not leave the venue for the fair if we intended to return to the concert.
The area we were brought to was just off the side of the stage and Lauren informed us that it was the only open space that did not house livestock and our meeting would be somewhere around here. In the meantime, the L-83ers were separated from the other groups and this lady came over and asked us to "huddle up." She was really cool and seemed like a deadhead kind of girl. She made sure we were all paying attention and then asked the L-83ers to identify themselves by raising hands. She then asked how long we had all been members and where we buy our concert tickets. She asked if we ALWAYS buy our tickets through the fan club and it was a unanimous yes. She then introduced herself as the ticket fairy and asked if we had heard of her. My heart leapt and I knew that something really cool was about to happen. She asked all of the members where their seats were located and the first two sets of people asked had second row, so she was content with that. She found that the last three sets of members, myself included, had rows 5, 8 and 9. She then opened up this little fanny pack and took out an envelope and pulled out the top 6 tickets from a stack and asked us to give her our tickets and she handed us new ones that turned out to be the 6 front row center tickets. I felt like I had just won the lottery. We all started screaming and jumping up and down like little kids.
Next, we noticed the band members hanging around the tour bus and one of the members (the first one I met that day) was so enthusiastic that he gestured to DRH for a picture and unbelievably he walked right over and took personal pictures with our group and signed autographs for us all. He was so incredibly cool and personable. The same scenario pretty much played out with Robbie, Tim, J.J., Brad and Chad. Chad was a bit hesitant to sign our programs but we assured him that we loved him equally. It was so amazing and helped pass our waiting time. It did however increase the anxiety and nervousness, but it was all good. Lauren said that she had never experienced a meet and greet like this one. She said that the band members said that usually the fans are not interested in them, and she told them that the L-83ers were most definitely interested in meeting with them. I think they all were flattered in the end as to how much we knew about them and also that they were easily recognized. I was impressed at how friendly and approachable they ALL were. It felt like a dream, and we hadn't even gotten to what we had come for: our chance to meet John Mayer!
After about an hour's time, we were led a little bit further up, close to the tour bus and John came out between the buses. I knew it would be quick, so I was trying to follow my own advice and absorb and soak it all in. Alex and I were 7 & 8 in a line of 10. When Alex's turn came about JM kind of smiled, I think because he is a little boy and also very poised. He asked his name and Alex replied, "My name is Alex Rogers, but I would like you to sign something for my sister since she could not make it" He then pulled out Sarah's painting and John said, "Oh WOW, oh wow" and asked Lauren to take a picture of it up close so that he could remember it. He actually said, "I want to remember this." Alex then gave him the color copy of it that was autographed to him from Sarah. He liked it. It was almost my turn and I was fumbling to get out the posters that we had signed last year and as soon as he saw them he said "Oh, I remember those, I pulled those right out of the front row last year." My heart filled. I said, "These are for you," and he said, "Oh no, I couldn't, I already have so much stuff from fans." Alex said that he said it in a joking way. I then said, "These are not the originals, these are copies for you," and then in his silly way he said, "Well OK" and took them in the tube that I brought. At that point he handed them off to his personal collector and I stepped up closer with my Holiday Charity Revue lithograph. He asked my name and I replied "Lisa" he then said "Hi Lisa" and I asked him if he could sign my poster to The Rogers Family since we all love him. I was calm until that moment and when he was writing I started to feel nervous because I couldn't make my mind and my words work together. It was all very surreal at that particular moment. I then pulled it together and said "Thank you for being so gracious" and he smiled. I then said "Your music never lets me down," and he said Thanks for that." I then said, "Have a great show" and he said "You too." As I was walking away, I said "I will; I met your ticket fairy!"
I then met up with my new friends and we sat in the front row. Alex and I had the best show ever. I was able to get a lot of really great shots and I do not think that I will ever top this. It was truly a Mayer Holiday and I will remember this day forever.
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