I am feeling a little bit better each day. I really thought that I would recover much quicker than this. I did have a small setback. One of my incisions started to become infected. I think I caught it early enough though. I’m on antibiotics and feeling less achy. I went in yesterday for what I thought was my follow up appointment, but it turned out to be just a quick check of the incisions, along with cleaning the wound that was in question. My doctor assured me that everything looked good and that we could talk further today. My original follow up appointment is scheduled for today, so back I will go to Kaiser. It’s OK. It gave me another excuse to actually get dressed and made up.
I think the toughest part of recovering is boredom. I have essentially done nothing for weeks now. I really cannot wait to go back to work, have others to talk to and keep busy again.
I should say that I am blessed beyond belief in that I have so many wonderful friends and family that have offered words of kindness and company. It has helped to pass my boring days. Also this week, although boring, is far better than last week. For one, I am mobile and also my anxiety has diminished as I am no longer in wait of cancer news, so life is good. I think it won’t be long before things are back to normal again.
Beyond all that, I have not abandoned my weight loss efforts, but rather modified them some. Though I have not been to Weigh Watchers in over a month, my plan is to continue using Weight Watchers as my main source of accountability, group meetings and support. I feel that with the 40 pounds I have lost so far, I am well on my way to reaching my goal. Actually according to the BMI chart, I am only 3 pounds away from merely “overweight” as compared to “obese.” So that is my most current goal. I also have lost ten pounds since returning from my vacation (four of those are the four I had gained from the trip) so actually I am down six more pounds from my lowest, placing me at a 40 pound loss.
I’ve not decided which WW meeting I will be able to attend on a regular basis. I really love the Friday meeting I was attending. The leader was great and the group was also really cool. I am thinking though that I will go to a meeting tomorrow if I am feeling up to it, giving me a renewed sense of accountability. I may switch to a weekend morning meeting because I like to weigh in early, before eating, at the same time, same scale, same place each week. I only know I am down ten pounds because the scale at my doctor’s office shows me at my lowest weight in over a decade. I wonder if the WW scale will be close in accuracy. I know my home scale weighs me higher than the WW one.
I’ll let you all know tomorrow.
Gotta run, off to that appointment and then having an afternoon visit with Grandma and Gramps-
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