Thank you Shonnie for the reminder:)
I did lose this week and feel good about it too. My loss was 1.2 pounds and I am OK with that, even though it was my smallest loss so far, it is still a loss and it is confirmation that my decision to make the switch is a success! So, no setback for me! My goal was to at least maintain and hopefully not gain and that worked out for me.
And yes, we have been extremely busy at our house. We are currently working on some home improvements that have consumed much our time. It feels a little bit overwhelming, but we are making some big changes to our sweet little house. I should point out that we live in a very old neighborhood that has many one of a kind Victorian houses that are absolutely gorgeous. Most of the historical homes around here are from the 1860's and I really admire all things nostalgic. Even though our house in not a Victorian, it is old and is centered in what is considered the "Old Quad" here in Santa Clara. There is even a Historical Home Tour each year around Christmastime that Glenn and I once worked as docents. I find it fascinating to think that someone else used to live right here in my space over 150 years ago.
So, some of our improvements include pulling up the carpet in the front room and having hardwood installed. We currently have hardwood floors throughout the rest of our house. I have also ordered plantation shutters for all of my windows. I have painters coming to paint three of my rooms. (over the Labor Day weekend, Glenn and I painted the majority of our house and IT WAS SO MUCH WORK!! I can appreciate how hard house painters work and I never want to do that again). I ordered all new furniture for my living room and den, and today Glenn bought me all of the Tiffany lamps I have been eying for some time. They were all on sale half off, then I had a 15%off coupon and the store had a special for another 10% off on top of that. I really scored on the lamps. Needless to say, I have been interviewing contractors and shopping for furniture for what feels like forever. And...I almost forgot, I needed to find a safe and fun place for my two dogs to go while the painters are here, so I've also been interviewing doggie daycare facilities. I found one that I am happy with, but more importantly Maxi and Roscoe Roo liked it too! Tinkerbell is going to a sleepover at Sarah's boyfriends house since she doesn't go outside. We don't want her to get out and we also don't want to confine her to the bathroom for a couple of days.
HOLY MOLY, if that is not enough I've also applied to obtain an additional credential in hopes of attending school again in the fall. Recently I completed my graduate studies and received my multiple subject credential, allowing me to teach K-8th grade. Though I love it and have taught third grade as well as student taught in as kindergarten class. I think my true calling is teaching special education, so I am hoping to get into the Special Education Department at San Jose State. It has taken me a couple of weeks to gather all of the application paperwork requirements, but I was able to turn it all in last week. I think I have only six more classes to take to complete the requirements to get my second credential. I should also say that when I taught third grade, almost half of my students had special needs and those were the students I felt that I made the most progress with. Even in my kindergarten class, I had several students with varying degrees of special needs and those students stand out in my mind as my favorites. It's funny the way your path in life leads you. I feel that this is meant to be and also something I will be exceptionally good at it.
The department called and said that my application was complete and not lacking anything. They want to meet with me for an interview next week. Wish me luck, I really want this!
And since I was talking about nostalgia, here are some of my treasured family photos-

These are my great-great grandparents, Nonno Fani and Nonna Bianca. The two pictures show them in their early years (married in late 1890's) and then in their later years.

These are my grandparents on their wedding day in 1945. Nonni and Nonno. My Nonni was only 17 years old. (Dolores Bianca and Edwin Frederick)

These are my great grandparents on their wedding day (above) sometime in the 1920's. (Cesare and Ada Marchetti) Below they are older and I think this particular picture was cut in half to be used as passport photos..

I have a really beautiful powerpoint presentation that I made for school telling my family's immigration story. If I can figure out how to upload it I will. It's challenging enough for me to add pictures to my posts with some type of order.
As always, see ya lighter and I am off to have another positive, productive week.
Wishing you all the same~
Live, love, laugh and lose-