Today is my regularly scheduled weigh in day and I am pleased again with my success. I have lost another 2.4 pounds! I am very close to the 25 pound mark.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday Weigh In
Today is my regularly scheduled weigh in day and I am pleased again with my success. I have lost another 2.4 pounds! I am very close to the 25 pound mark.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Boredom , BE GONE....
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Excellent Walking Partners:)
Workin' It

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Weigh In Results 5/20/11
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Eventful week
Friday, May 13, 2011
Weigh In Results 5/12/11
Monday, May 9, 2011
Weigh In Results from 5/5/11 (and LV weekend)
This optifast plan is amazing!
I lost 3 more pounds this week, bringing me to a total of 14 pounds for the past three weeks. It really is astonishing to me as I had been having the toughest time for so long to actually lose a significant amount of weight. I am impressed with the program and proud of myself. Losing weight is tough stuff.
I have found that if I time my meals accordingly and space them out between 2.5 or 3 hour intervals, I do not get hungry. However, I f I allow myself to go past the alloted time, I am ravenous and my mind begins to wander into dangerous territory. Luckily I am aware of this and being mindful keeps me on track.
I may have mentioned previously, but when I see foods I am interested in eating I tell myself that there will be time for that later and I add it to a list on my computer titled Foods I will eat when I am complete in my program. It is working for now, but still there are times when I want to bite into some protein.
As for the Las Vegas weekend, it was tons of fun. We arrived on Friday morning and it was a pretty nice day, except for the strong winds. I think it was reported to be 35mph winds. It was kinda crazy. All of the pool furniture at Mandalay Bay was blowing away. That night we visited the Venetian and the Mirage. Our children really seemed to enjoy the Venetian and I am not surprised as they are both interested in art.
Saturday was kind of a shop around fun day and we wanted to show our kids as much as possible. We got up early and headed out to the mall for some shopping. I was hesitant to purchase any new clothes as I am shrinking so quickly. I did get myself some new tennies because my back was hurting from wearing my flat flat sandals all day.
Afterwards we headed off to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino for a late lunch and viewing of R&R memorabilia. By this time I had not eaten anything for 6 hours and was dragging. I was really feeling bad; sluggish, tired and drained. I had been out and about for 6 hours on 160 calories. It was at this moment that I decided that I was eating a salad with protein for lunch. So I did and I felt instantly better. I decided that it was what I needed at that moment and I would not dwell on it and just move on. It worked out well for me because I still lost 3 pounds this week.
We then brought the kids to see Bellagio because this is the time of year when they have the spring flower display and it was GORGEOUS! The bummer was that Alex immediately began to suffer from an allergic reaction and his hands began to itch and swell. Being the good mom that I am, I happened to have some benadryl in my bag that I promptly gave to him. It was effective, though it did make him extremely tired.
We then decided to go back to the hotel to nap and refresh before the concert. Alex was so tired, we all were, but he was doubly tired. I felt bad for him. We were able to all get ready on time and make it to our show. John Mayer was amazing, as always and HE DID PLAY TWO NEW SONGS! Definitely worth the wait. It sounds to me like the new album is going to have more of a bluesy vibe to it and that is perfect for me! The boys retreated to the room after the show (or so we thought, turns out they went out to eat) and Sarah and I remained to see a bit of Keith Urban. He seems like a real gentleman and sweetheart. We watched about four songs before leaving. Sarah and I then went to get her a real drink at the bar since now she is 21 and we were in LV.
All in all, we had a fabulous weekend, but I still think that as a family I would rather go to Disneyland. LV is so crowded and FULL of dimwit people that I certainly will not miss it.
Here’s to another productive week and continued weight loss:)
Weigh In Results (originally posted 4/28/11)
I cannot believe that I have lost another 3 pounds!
This makes for 11 pounds in the past two weeks. I have been struggling for years to lose the same 5 pounds over and over again. I would like to say that it has been easy, but it has not been that easy every day. I find myself wanting to eat things, oh nothing in particular, but rather what others are eating. It is really making me aware of how impulsive I can be.
This weekend should be interesting. I am going to Las Vegas to see my guitar hero, John Mayer. He is playing at the Tiger Jam, which is a fund raiser hosted by Tiger woods that helps to put children through college. He is playing with Keith Urban, who I know nothing about. I just hope that JM plays a new song or two. It has been almost 9 months since we las saw JM on stage.
My concern is that a trip to Las Vegas is usually accompanied by drinking, eating out and gambling. The difference this time is that we are taking the kids (to see the show) and I am not drinking OR eating. I am bringing all of my optifast, but it already seems a little bummerish. Oh well, I will make the best of it and how could it not be a fabulous weekend? I get to see my favorite live performer!
Surviving the Easter Holiday (originally posted 4/25/11)
This past weekend was tough for me. I have a large Italian family that loves to eat and also loves to feed others. My family is so spread out through the bay area that we celebrate Easter Saturday at my aunt’s house, leaving everyone the opportunity to have their own smaller family celebrations on Sunday. There are usually about 30 or 40 of us that come to Easter Saturday.
I went in with a plan. I had told my mother and aunt of my newest endeavor prior to the party so that they would be respectful and not try to feed me. This way they would not be offended that I was not eating any of their home made deliciousness. I also did not want to broadcast that I am on Optifast to all 30 or 40 of my family members ( I can be a bit private at times, so this whole “blog” thing took a lot of thought before I actually decided to give it a go). My plan was to have a shake prior to going, pack my necessary loot for the day and to keep my drink (water, tea or diet soda) full. It worked. When I arrived I put my little brown bag in the vegetable bin, then when it was time for my shake I retrieved it from the bin and went I the other room to drink it. I may open up later about this, but for now this is what worked for me.
The hard part was of course all of the food spread throughout the house, kitchen and yard. I was even requested to bring my special raspberry bars, which I made earlier that day. It’s not just that there was food; it was the fact that it was all of the good stuff that I like. I suppose it was all of that good stuff that has contributed to me being fat. Anyway, that was Saturday and I survived.
Sunday we were scheduled to go to my in-laws. We always have a fun time at their house and they only live about five miles away from us. For this gathering, I was requested to make a fruit salad, so not too bad. My mother in law always prepares a honey baked ham, but this time she didn’t, instead she made some tasty looking chicken. Again I had a plan. My plan was to drink my shake just prior to leaving, bring my stuff just in case we were there longer than three hours and to keep my water glass full. Prior to Sunday I also told my mother in law that I was following a doctor prescribed plan and would “eat” my lunch at home ahead of time. That way she would not be offended and think of me as rude for not participating in the meal.
It worked out perfectly because we have two new babies on that side of the family and I offered to hold and love one of them while the new parents enjoyed their meal. PERFECTO!
So, I made it through both celebrations, but they left me dreaming of food. I literally could not stop thinking about what I could NOT have. I know, boo hoo. So I emailed one of my cohort friends and also created a “wish list” of sorts of foods I will possibly make when I am complete. However, by then I may not want to eat silly foods like spaghetti tacos or quiche.
I should say that both my aunt and mother in law commented on how beautiful, healthy and radiant I looked, so I’ll take that. I guess that eight pounds really shows!
Either way, I am finding blogging to be a very useful tool and outlet for all of the thoughts that encircle my brain.
Day 11, just 94 to go
Weigh In Results (originally posted 4/21/11)
Unbelievably I lost 8 pounds this week.
I don’t think I have ever lost 8 pounds in one week during my lifetime.
End of Week 1 on product and weigh in day (originally posted 4/21/11
Well here I am, one week in and feeling pretty good about it.
I have been diligent about the timing of my meals and tracking the times, feelings and exercise of the day.
So far I have found this to be an easy plan to follow. I felt great the first two days, very tired the next two days and generally well the past several days. I work with a personal trainer three days a week and yesterday was by far the most difficult day I have suffered through. Lifting free weights wore me down quicker than ever. I want to stick with it, but I think I may need to modify the weight a bit, for now.
I also have made several great connections to a couple of ladies in my cohort. I find it extremely helpful to have others to communicate with that are going through the same thing. One of the girls actually lives nearby and we have decided to commute together to our meetings. I think one of the tough things about this will be that the weigh in is at the latter part of the day and patience is not my best virtue.
I have also told my mom and aunt about what it is I am doing and they are happy for me. I feel that I have built a team of support. I have my cohort, my doctor, my trainer, my mom and aunt, and most of all my husband and children. It know that they are my biggest support. As much as I want this for myself, it is apparent in their actions that they want this for me. With all of this love and support I am destined to succeed.
I will post my loss later tonight.
Wish me well~
To Worry or Not To Worry (originally dated 4/14/11)
Let’s just start with the facts.
I am a worrier.
I worry about big things, I worry about small things, but in general I worry about all things. I know this is not healthy, and of course, I worry about that too. It is just my nature. I think I know why I am this way, though I am not exactly sure how to “fix”it. I had to take on the role of caretaker for my younger brother when I was ten years old. My parents divorced and I essentially had to grow up quickly. I suppose taking on that grown up role at such young age increased my fear and worry. I worried that someone would find out the truth, I worried if I was doing what I was supposed to be doing and mostly I worried whether we would grow up healthy and be OK.
I can confidently say that I have grown up healthy and OK, but I have brought this worry with me into my adult life. When my children were babies, I worried about sudden infant death syndrome and constantly checked on them. Now that they are bigger, I worry about things that I have no control over. For instance, my youngest is a new driver, so of course I worry about all the “other” people out on the road. I know that some of this worry is completely natural, but I have an over active mind. If I am left with nothing to do but think, I will over think any and every situation. As long as I keep busy, all is good.
I’ve worked on this issue with a professional for years and I am definitely better, but since it is my nature, it continues to come up. As long as I consider it a passing thought and do not dwell on a subject for too long, it goes away and I can move on. I’ve been learning tools and skills to better handle non productive thinking and I feel confident that it is working and I am getting better at it.
This leads me to my current worry; optifast. I have had plenty of time to dwell on this topic as the start day has been quickly approaching. Today is the day I will go to the hospital, attend my cohort meeting and pick up my overpriced liquid nutrition for the coming week. My worry is this: Is the liquid nutrition balanced enough to ensure safety? If I am to lose weight quickly, how can I be assured that I will be losing fat and not muscle? My heart is a muscle, how can I be sure that my heart is protected and safe? Is the three week monitoring intervals frequent enough to prevent and ensure the best possible care?
It is pure craziness, right?
These are the thoughts that pass through my mind and there are many more. What I sometimes do to combat this negative thinking is that I rationalize the situation. For instance, I tell myself that losing the weight in a short time is better for my heart than carrying around 75 extra pounds. I then tell myself that there are so many successful weight loss stories from others using the product, that it has a positive proven track record. Since it was recommended to me by my trusted doctor, it must be a good program. Also, since it is medically monitored, I tell myself that I am safe.
Don’t get me wrong. I am completely committed to my health and to this program. I am excited about participating in the MWM program and losing the weight. I love the fact that this is an 18 month program that not only focuses on weight loss but also behavior management and nutrition education. It seems sound and foolproof.
The timing could not be more perfect for me either. I have finished school and have no deadlines or papers to complete. I am not committed to anymore student teaching. I am not working. My time is my own, and what better time to work on me. My only real commitments during the day are to my trainer, and this is all part of the “me” package.
I never do anything half heartedly. If I commit, I am all in 100%, no excuses. I don’t ever make excuses as I can’t stand to hear them from others. I am doing this! I just need to calm my mind and remove the worry. I can do this. I will do this. I am safe. I am in good hands.
My biggest support:)
Until next time-
Live, love and laugh-
New fresh Start (originally dated 4/12/11)
Greetings and welcome to my private thoughts-
I have recently joined a cohort in my local hospital that had been referred to me by my general practitioner. I can hardly believe it myself, but I am going to begin four months of a medically supervised liquid fast. My emotions have gone from curiosity, to complete interest, to elated excitement (that my husband and children are so incredibly supportive), to nervousness (now that I have committed and taken the plunge). I suppose my nervousness can be defined as nervous excitement.
The prospect of uncovering my former self is both scary as well as promising. I have been carrying approximately 75-90 extra pounds on my 5’7″ frame for the past fifteen years. Though I consider myself curvy and shapely, I could never surrender to living out my life in this body. I have always felt that I deserve better. My sweet husband has always made me feel as if I am the most beautiful woman in the room and as much as I love that, I need to feel it myself. I feel that I have lost my former sexy, attractive self somewhere in my late 20′s.
Fast forward to the current me, in my early 40′s. I consider myself lucky in love as I have been married to the most wonderful man, who is also my best friend in this life, for the past 22 years. I am blessed beyond belief with my two fantastic children. Both of which are well adjusted, smart and articulate. I live in a beautiful neighborhood in California where I can enjoy the mountains or the beach, all within an hours drive. I have two Australian Cattle/Shepherd dogs that fill my days with joy and I have just recently completed my life’s dream of completing college. I am now a credentialed teacher in hopes of obtaining a position for the fall.
All of these wonderful factors attribute to the “me” I am today and I truly am happy in this life. However, after the birth of my youngest I suffered some serious health problems (which I may address at a later time) that took me a very long time to recover from. Luckily, my child remained healthy throughout my difficulties and has continued to thrive. I, on the other hand, have never been quite the same. I have continued to complain to my doctor about joint pain, extreme fatigue, weight gain and a plethora of other things. Last year I was diagnosed with *Fibromyalgia, which I am still apprehensive to accept, as I feel that it is an answer when the doctor cannot really determine an answer for all of my ailments.
*I will address the fibro stuff in another post.
I feel that I can deal with the joint pain, fatigue and what not, but getting fat is not in the cards for me. I hate feeling like this! I have tried absolutely everything to get back to the old me. I have been on Weight Watchers for what feels like forever. I joined Jenny Craig for a while. I have walked half marathons and 3 day cancer walks, taken Jazzercise classes, hell I even taught water aerobics at the YMCA. I grocery shop and cook healthy meals for my family EVERY NIGHT, I track and monitor what I eat, yet I have struggled to lose the unwanted pounds. I am the only person in my entire family that is overweight and I resolve to overcome this.
My doctor knows how hard I have tried and how difficult a time I have had. Several months ago she suggested the Medical Weight Management (MWM) program to me. At the time I felt it was too expensive and I assumed that my husband would agree with me that the cost was too much for our family. I’m not really sure what changed my mind, but I could not stop thinking about it. About a month ago, my husband and I hired a personal trainer to help us get in great shape. We both agreed that even though it was costly, WE WERE WORTH IT…OUR HEALTH WAS WORTH IT! AHA! Wasn’t I worth it? Isn’t my own health and heart worth it? So I decided to approach my sweetheart with the MWM information and to ask if he would attend an orientation meeting with me. To my surprise, he was so agreeable and we looked for the next meeting time. That was two weeks ago. I have since been accepted to the MWM group and have attended the first meeting last Thursday. This coming Thursday I will pick up my liquid meals for the following week and I shall start my new venture.
Unbelievably, my husband wanted to know why I had not presented him with this information earlier. He is behind me 100%, as are my children.
I feel that with dedication and determination, I cannot not be successful!
Wish me well and I will continue to update my journey right here.
Live, Love, Laugh~ (and lose)